
Install and configure the Amazon RDS Command Line Tools

09 June 2010

This guide was a great help for me - thanks!

Anonymous -

This guide was a great help for me - thanks!

#### Thanks for the great giude. Really helped me get ... [Steve Hersh](https://www.blogger.com/profile/15415827467522835597 "[email protected]") -

Thanks for the great giude. Really helped me get going.

#### Thanks - why Amazon don't provide instructions... [Nerdboy](http://nerdboy.co.uk "[email protected]") -

Thanks - why Amazon don’t provide instructions this concise I have no idea!

#### Thanks everybody, happy that you are finding this ... [Janaka Abeywardhana](https://www.blogger.com/profile/04523868709897380848 "[email protected]") -

Thanks everybody, happy that you are finding this useful.

#### when I run rds --help I get an error "The syt... [Anonymous]( "[email protected]") -

when I run rds —help I get an error “The sytem cannot find the path specified”.

The environmenta variables are set correctly.

#### I am getting a "The system cannot find the pa... [Anonymous]( "[email protected]") -

I am getting a “The system cannot find the path specified” when I run “rds —help” in a CMD window. I have setup the variables exactly as desrcibed and checked the paths, on a Windows & laptop.

Any ideas were Im going wrong?

#### Is the RDS cli install location set on your PATH? ... [Janaka Abeywardhana](https://www.blogger.com/profile/04523868709897380848 "[email protected]") -

Is the RDS cli install location set on your PATH? if not have you changed dir to the install path - sorry about the back to basics approach?

#### yes the PATH system vaible is present "%AWS\_R... [Anonymous]( "[email protected]") -

yes the PATH system vaible is present “%AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin”. I can “dir %AWS_RDS_HOME%\bin ” to this location which shows me the directory listing as expected. I loaded CMD as an Administrator.

#### me too. in my xp windows is ok. but when i try to ... [geekwithlasers](https://www.blogger.com/profile/16009378874435626291 "[email protected]") -

me too. in my xp windows is ok. but when i try to acess using win7 i get a error like ‘The sytem cannot find the path specified’, why ?

#### So frustrating... I get the "The sytem cannot... [Steve](https://www.blogger.com/profile/04755707426902943203 "[email protected]") -

So frustrating… I get the “The sytem cannot find the path specified” on Win7 as well. Argh.

Personal blog by Janaka Abeywardhana. Thoughts on topics other than Software Engineering and Product Management. All of that is over at [janaka.dev](janaka.dev) by Janaka Abeywardhana. On Github, Twitter, and Instagram

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